The apps.core.models module contains several models that are used across the application. In this document, we will describe the TrackableModel, TimestampedModel, and Task models.


The TrackableModel is an abstract model that provides fields to automatically track changes and keep a record of who made them. It has the following attributes:

  • created_at (DateTimeField): The timestamp when the model instance was first created.

  • updated_at (DateTimeField): The timestamp of the most recent update to the model instance.

  • created_by (ForeignKey): The user who created the model instance.

  • updated_by (ForeignKey): The user who last updated the model instance.

  • history (JSONField): A JSON field that stores a complete history of changes to the model instance, including timestamps and the user who made each change.

To use this model, you can create a new model and inherit from it:

from django.db import models
from apps.accounts.models import TrackableModel

class MyModel(TrackableModel):
   my_field = models.CharField(max_length=255)


The TimestampedModel is an abstract model that builds on the functionality of TrackableModel by adding extra fields for timestamping. It has the following attributes:

  • date_added (DateTimeField): The timestamp when the model instance was first added.

  • date_updated (DateTimeField): The timestamp of the most recent update to the model instance.

  • date_deleted (DateTimeField): The timestamp of when the model instance was deleted (if applicable).

To use this model, you can create a new model and inherit from it:

from django.db import models
from apps.core.models import TimestampedModel

class MyModel(TimestampedModel):
   my_field = models.CharField(max_length=255)


The Task model is used for tracking tasks. It has the following attributes:

  • name (str): The name of the task.

  • task_ingestor (str): The ingestor responsible for the task.

  • datetime (datetime): The date and time the task was created.

  • status (str): The current status of the task. Allowed values are ‘pending’, ‘processing’, ‘processed’, and ‘failed’.

It also has the following methods:

  • start_processing(): Transition the task from ‘pending’ to ‘processing’.

  • complete_processing(): Transition the task from ‘processing’ to ‘processed’ and delete the record.

  • fail_processing(): Transition the task from ‘processing’ to ‘failed’.

To use this model, you can create a new model and inherit from it:

from django.db import models
from apps.core.models import Task

class MyTaskModel(Task):
 my_field = models.CharField(max_length=255)